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Hip Pain – Coxalgia

Hip Pain – Coxalgia

Hip pain is a common and debilitating condition caused by factors such as joint wear (arthritis), injuries, and inflammatory issues like bursitis. At HPA Saúde, treatment focuses on precise diagnosis and innovative solutions, including physiotherapy, medications, and infiltrations.

This issue often affects individuals engaged in high-impact activities like running, dancing, and football due to strain on the joint or surrounding muscles. Pain can result from traumatic injuries, degenerative diseases, repetitive movements, nerve compression, or rare bone tumors. Symptoms include discomfort in the groin, outer hip, or glutes, which may radiate to the legs.

Diagnosis involves clinical evaluations and imaging. Treatments range from anti-inflammatories to tailored physiotherapy and low-impact exercises such as swimming or cycling. Preventive measures include fitness, proper footwear, weight management, and adequate calcium and vitamin D intake.

For advanced joint damage, arthroplasty (joint replacement) can restore mobility and relieve pain. This surgical procedure uses advanced prostheses and is followed by gradual rehabilitation supported by a multidisciplinary team.

HPA Saúde integrates cutting-edge technologies and specialized care from diagnosis to recovery, ensuring patients return to daily activities safely and efficiently.



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